Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Munshi Premchand lived from 1880 to 1936 and can justly lay claimto the title of the best Hindi fiction writer ever. He was born on 31July 1880 in a small village, Lamhi, near Varanasi. His parents namedhim Dhanpat Rai. He started writing at a young age. Initially, hewrote in Urdu. Later, he wrote only in Hindi.
Munshi Premchand was the son of a postal clerk. He lost his motherwhen he was very young. Just 7 years. And his at the age of 14, helost his father. With his father's demise, young Premchand took overthe responsibility of earning bread for the family. In the face ofgreat economic hardship, he matriculated. He then found employment asa schoolmaster in small village schools.
While working, Premchand continued his studies and completed hisF.A. (parallel to A-levels) and his B.A. He was keen on doing hisMasters in Literature, but circumstances in life prevented him fromdoing so.
In 1921, influenced by Mahatma Gandhi's call to leave Governmentjobs, Premchand resigned from his schoolmaster's job. He was in direeconomic straits. Yet, he gave up his 23 year old secure iflow-paying Government job. In this decision, his wife willinglysupported him.
For a few months after that, he worked for a private school inKanpur. He could not keep his job, because he was too principled andwas the victim of office politics. He resigned from there and leftfor Varanasi where he taught at the Kashi Vidyapitha for a fewmonths, and edited 'Maryada'. He then left for Lucknow where heedited 'Madhuri'. Both 'Maryada' and 'Madhuri' were literarymagazines with very low circulation and an uncertain future.
In a few years, he shifted back to Varanasi to launch his ownliterary magazine, 'Hans'. Sometime later, he launched 'Jagaran' aswell. But both magazines were loss-making enterprises. At a certainpoint in time Premchand was so heavily in debt because of editingthese magazines, he had to wind up operations and shift baggage toMumbai.
He had come to Mumbai to write for the Hindi film industry. Buthere he was constantly being asked to compromise on his storyline andthe integrity of his characters to suit the whims of film producers.Premchand refused to make such manipulations, which would hurt theflow of his story. Hence, deeply disappointed, he made his way backto Varanasi, still struggling against the onset of bankruptcy.
While in Mumbai, Premchand had fallen ill and soon after gettingback to Varanasi, he died of ascitis on 8 October, 1936.
He was given the highest accolade of his time, when he wasreferred to as "Upanyas Samrat". He wrote novels, short stories,essays and children's fiction. All that he wrote, has stood the testof time, and nearly seventy after his death, Premchand is still oneof India's best-read authors. His novels, in particular Godan,Nirmala and Ghaban; are hugely popular. His short stories, broughttogether under the title Mansarovar enjoy tremendous enthusiasmamongst readers until date.
Premchand has been translated in many languages, there are 100s ofPh.D.s awarded on his works every year. There is no University inIndia and abroad, where Hindi literature is taught and Premchand isnot an important part of the syllabus.
Premchand wrote in a very direct and simple style, and his wordsmade their own magic. His protagonists were always the people heobserved around him. His knowledge of the human psychology, and hisappreciation of the ironies of life made him a stellar writer.
In keeping with his clean-cut style and lucid manner, readingPremchand is a great pleasure! His prose is precise, his descriptionssuccinct.
Premchand lived in an era of great social turmoil for India. Hesaw traditional village independence being destroyed by thecolonisers. He saw how the traditional system of the Indian UndividedFamily was falling apart with the pressures of increasedcentralisation of jobs in urban centres. He also noted the fallout oflarge-scale urbanisation and the consequent materialistic andacquisitional tendencies it triggered off. His stories and novelfaithfully record and analyse these tendencies through the trials andtribulations of his protagonists.
Premchand observed keenly the psychology of a child, brought up inpoverty. In his short story Eidgah, the hero, a small boy from a poorfamily, goes with his relatively well-to-do friends. He has a verysmall amount of money to spare. Instead of blowing it on fun andtoys, he buys a "chimta" for his old grandmother, who used to burnher fingers on the hot iron "tava".
His novel "Godan" tells the story of a poor man, bound by thesociety, exploited by the privileged class and his soul-destroyingtravails. His protagonists are often exploited, but never unjustthemselves, and retain their humanity. The badi bahuria, in Bade GharKi Bahu, despite longing to eat a halfway decent meal, gives it tothe postman, who is actually the bearer of bad news. When the postmantries to decline, she says that she will eat some bathua saag andmanage.
Each novel, each story of Premchand reassures us that humanity isalive and well. That circumstances may be grim, but there is a godsomewhere, and things are not so bad as they may seem. Premchand seesgoodness in every human being, and hence describes people aptly. Themost mean and vicious character will suffer the occasional qualm ofconscience. And the most naive character is not without heroism. Theprotagonist of Ghaban is out to impress his newly wed wife. His taleof plight is told with understanding and empathy. The reader feels apart of Premchand's stories. All his fictional characters are real.They are living and breathing. Not just, blank ink on whitepaper.
So come, be a part of the experience. Read Munshi Premchand todiscover perceptive yet simple writing. Lucid style. Prose writing atits very best.
Had Premchand been born in America or Europe, he would havecertainly won the Nobel Prize for Literature and a knighthoodtoo!
I am proud to state that we had the privilege of being the firstpublishers of what is perhaps the greatest novel ever written inHindi - Godan.

The Complete works of Munshi Premchand
GODAN (Hindi)
By Premchand
1st ed. Mumbai: Hindi Granth Ratnakar Karyalay, 1936
Hans Prakashan
1998 223 x 135 mm 320 pp
81-85954-02-X Hardback Rs. 140
By Premchand
1st ed. Lucknow: Ganga Pustakmala, 1924
Hans Prakashan
1999 224 x 140 mm 488 pp
Hardback Rs. 200
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
1997 223 x 140 mm 424 pp
Hardback Rs. 160
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
1998 220 x 145 mm 400 pp
Hardback Rs. 140
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
2002 220 x 140 mm 345 pp
Hardback Rs. 140
GHABAN (Hindi)
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
2002 215 x 130 mm 286 pp
Hardback Rs. 120
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
2003 220 x 140 mm 246 pp
Hardback Rs. 100
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
2000 180 x 120 mm 188 pp
Hardback Rs. 60
VARDAN (Hindi)
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
1994 180 x 120 mm 159 pp
Hardback Rs. 60
Two novels, 'Mangalasootra' and 'Mahajani Sabhyata'
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
1991 180 x 120 mm 188 pp
Hardback Rs. 40
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
2001 180 x 120 mm 176 pp
Paperback Rs. 40
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
1997 180 x 120 mm 144 pp
Hardback Rs. 40

Short Stories
Short Stories by Premchand in 8 Volumes
2001 180 x 120 mm approx. 3000 pp in 8 volumes
Hardback Rs. 800 for the set
QAFAN (Hindi)
Short Stories by Premchand
Hans Prakashan
1994 180 x 120 mm 135 pp
Hardback Rs. 80
Short Stories by Premchand in 2 Volumes
2002 220 x 140 mm 524 pp in 2 Volumes
Hardback Rs. 200 for the set
Stories for teenagers in 10 Volumes by Premchand
Hans Prakashan
2000 180 x 120 mm approx. 950 pp in 10 Volumes
Paperback Rs. 200 for the set
Based on the Ramayan
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
Paperback Rs. 25
Pictoral Biography for students
Hans Prakashan
Paperback Rs. 30.00
By Premchand
Hans Prakashan
Paperback Rs. 20
Authorised Biography of Premchand
Hans Prakashan
Hardcover Rs. 250
By Premchand
2002 215 x 140 mm 1732 pp in 2 Volumes
Paperback Rs. 400.00 for the set
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 40 pp
Paperback Rs. 20
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 32 pp
Paperback Rs. 20
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 32 pp
Paperback Rs. 20
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 24 pp
Paperback Rs. 15
Short stories by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 32 pp
Paperback Rs. 15
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 32 pp
Paperback Rs. 15
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 32 pp
Paperback Rs. 15
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 32 pp
Paperback Rs. 15
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 32 pp
Paperback Rs. 15
RAM LILA (Hindi)
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 32 pp
Paperback Rs. 15
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 24 pp
Paperback Rs. 15
MANDIR (Hindi)
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 24 pp
Paperback Rs. 15
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 24 pp
Paperback Rs. 15
Short story by Premchand
2003 216 x 140 mm 32 pp
Paperback Rs. 15


There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it:

FIRST Emergency

The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile; network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out.

SECOND have you locked your keys in the car?

Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their mobile phone from your cell phone.

Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. This saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other 'remote' for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).

THIRD Hidden Battery Power

Imagine your mobile battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370# Your mobile will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your mobile next time.

FOURTH How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?

To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: * # 0 6 #

A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. When your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.


Yes = No
No = Yes
Maybe = No
We need = I want
I'm sorry = You'll be sorry
We need to talk = I need to complain
Sure...go ahead = I don't want you to
Is my butt fat? = Tell me I'm beautiful
Do what you want = You'll pay for this later
I'm not upset = Of course I'm upset, you moron!
Are you listening to me?? = Too late, you're dead
You have to learn to communicate = Just agree with me
Be romantic, turn out the lights = I have flabby thighs
You're so.. manly = You need a shave and you sweat a lot
Do you love me? = I'm going to ask for something expensive
It's your decision = The correct decision should be obvious by now
You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think about??
I'll be ready in a minute = Kick off your shoes and find a good game on TV
How much do you love me? = I did something today that you're really not
going to like.


Ø Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair

Ø The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.

Ø Our eyes remain the same size from birth onward, but our noses and ears
never stop growing.

Ø You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV.

Ø A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation.

Ø Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a
few weeks.

Ø Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

Ø The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

Ø When the moon is directly overhead, you weigh slightly less.

Ø Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never telephoned
his Wife or mother because they were both deaf.

Ø "I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language

Ø Colgate faced big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking
countries because Colgate translates into the command "go hang yourself."

Ø The smallest unit of time is the yoctosecond

Ø Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different

Ø "Bookkeeper" is the only word in English language with three consecutive
double letters

Ø Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left handed
people do

Ø The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every
letter in the English language

Ø If the population of China walked past you in single line, the line would
never end because of the rate of reproduction

Ø China has more English speakers than the United States

Ø Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell.

Ø Each square inch of human skin consists of twenty feet of blood vessels.

Ø The longest place name still in use is:

Taumatawhakatangiha ngaoauauotametea turi-Pukakpikima ungahoronukupoka iwhe
nuakitanatahu- a New Zealand hill

Ø If you leave Tokyo by plane at 7:00am, you will arrive in Honolulu (US)
at approximately 4:30pm the previous day.

Some interesting Amazing Facts (GK)

• Napoleon's christening name was Italian: Napoleone Buonaparte(OR Bonaparte). He was born on the island of Corsica one year after it became French property. As a boy, Napoleon hated the French.

• The brain of an average adult male weighs 1,375 gm (55 oz). The brain of Russian novelist Turgenev weighed 2021 gm (81 oz), Bismark's weighed 1807 gm (72 oz), while that of French statesman Gambetta was only 1294 gm (51 oz). Einstein's brain was of average size.

• The oldest living thing on earth is 12,000 years old. It is the flowering shrubs called creosote bushes in the Mojave Desert.

• Money notes are not made from paper, they are made mostly from a special blend of cotton and linen. In 1932, when a shortage of cash occurred in Tenino, Washington, USA, notes were made out of wood for a brief period.
• Tea is said to have been discovered in 2737 BC by a Chinese emperor when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water. The tea bag was introduced in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan of New York.

• Over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialised nations has increased 10 cm (about 4 inches). In the 19th century, American men were the tallest in the world, averaging 1,71m (5'6"). Today, the average height for American men is 1,75m (5'7"), compared to 1,77 (5'8") for Swedes, and 1,78 (5'8.5") for the Dutch. The tallest nation in the world is the Watusis of Burundi.

• In 1955 the richest woman in the world was Mrs Hetty Green Wilks, who left an estate of $95 million in a will that was found in a tin box with four pieces of soap. Queen Elizabeth of Britain and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands count under the 10 wealthiest women in the world.

• According to a study by the Economic Research Service, 27% of all food production in Western nations ends up in garbage cans. Yet, 1,2 billion people are underfed - the same number of people who are overweight.

• A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water. If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feel thirsty. If it's reduced by 10%, you'll die.

• The system of democracy was introduced 2 500 years ago in Athens, Greece. The oldest existing governing body operates in Althing in Iceland. It was established in 930 AD.

Some of the Various Amazing Facts of Animals

• Did you know fishes talk to each other? Some of them communicate by making noises in their throats by rasping their teeth, others use their swim bladders to make sounds.

• The bird that can fly the fastest is called a White It can fly up to 95 miles per hour.

• Did you know there are two kinds of pandas? There is the Long-tailed Himalayan carnivore that looks like a raccoon and there is the Giant panda bear that lives in Western China.

• The Blue Whale's whistle is the loudest noise made by an animal.

• Did you know there are two kinds of camels? One is the Arabian that lives in Western Asia and Northern Africa. It has one hump. And the second kind is called Bactrian which has two humps and lives in Mongolia and Chinese Turkistan.

• There are two kinds of elephants: the African that is taller and has larger ears and the Indian that is small and has smaller ears.

• The smallest bird in the world is the Hummingbird. It weighs 1oz.

• The fastest human swimmer can swim at 6 miles per hour. The fastest mammal - the dolphin - can swim up to 35 miles per hour.


• The official Sanskrit name for India is Bharat.

• INDIA has been called Bharat even in Satya yuga ( Golden Age )

• The name `India’ is derived from the River Indus, the valleys around which were the home of the early settlers. The Aryan worshippers referred to the river Indus as the Sindhu.

• The Persian invaders converted it into Hindu. The name `Hindustan’ combines Sindhu and Hindu and thus refers to the land of the Hindus.

• The number system was invented by India. Aryabhatta was the scientist who invented the digit zero.

• Sanskrit is considered as the mother of all higher languages. This is because it is the most precise, and therefore suitable language for computer software. ( a report in Forbes magazine, July 1987 ).

• Chess was invented in India.

• Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies which originated in India.

• The' place value system' and the 'decimal system' were developed in 100 BC in India.

• The first six Mogul Emperor's of India ruled in an unbroken succession from father to son for two hundred years, from 1526 to 1707.

• The World's First Granite Temple is the Brihadeswara temple at Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The shikhara is made from a single ' 80-tonne ' piece of granite. Also, this magnificient temple was built in just five years, (between 1004 AD and 1009 AD) during the reign of Rajaraja Chola

• India is.......the Largest democracy in the world, the 6th largest country in the world AND one of the most ancient and living civilizations (at least 10, 000 years old).

• The game of snakes & ladders was created by the 13th century poet saint Gyandev. It was originally called 'Mokshapat.' The ladders in the game represented virtues and the snakes indicated vices. The game was played with cowrie shells and dices. Later through time, the game underwent several modifications but the meaning is the same i.e good deeds take us to heaven and evil to a cycle of re-births.

• The world's highest cricket ground is in Chail, Himachal Pradesh.

• Built in 1893 after levelling a hilltop, this cricket pitch is 2444 meters above sea level.

• India has the most post offices in the world !

• The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system, employing over a million people !.

• The World's first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.

• Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to mankind. The father of medicine, Charaka, consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.

• Although modern images & descriptions of India often show poverty, India was one of the richest countries till the time of British in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus was attracted by India's wealth and was looking for route to India when he discovered America by mistake.

• The art of Navigation & Navigating was born in the river Sindh 6000 over years ago. The very word 'Navigation' is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from the Sanskrit word 'Nou'.

• Bhaskaracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. His calculations was - Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: ( 5th century ) 365.258756484 days.

• The value of "pi" was first calculated by the Indian Mathematician Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century, which was long before the European mathematicians.

• Algebra, trigonometry and calculus also orignated from India. Quadratic equations were used by Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 10*53 ( i.e 10 to the power of 53 ) with specific names as early as 5000 B.C. during the Vedic period. Even today, the largest used number is Tera: 10*12( 10 to the power of 12 ).

• Until 1896, India was the only source for diamonds to the world. ( Source . Gemological Institute of America )

• The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It was built by the Indian Army in August 1982.

• Sushruta is regarded as the father of surgery. Over 2600 years ago Sushrata & his team conducted complicated surgeries like cataract, artificial limbs, cesareans, fractures, urinary stones and also plastic surgery and brain surgeries.

• Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India medicine. Detailed knowledge of anatomy, embryology, digestion, metabolism, physiology, etiology, genetics and immunity is also found in many ancient Indian texts.


A Pakistani man, a lady and a Sardarji were traveling in a train one time. The train was going through a long tunnel and while in the dark suddenly there is a sound of a big kiss, which is followed by the sound of a slap.

When the train comes out of the tunnel, everyone sees that the Pakistani guys cheek is swollen red.

Now, the Pakistani looks around confused and thinks," That sardarji must have tried to kiss the lady and she slapped me instead of him."

The lady wonders, "That Pakistani guy must have been trying to kiss me and must have kissed the sardarji by mistake!"

And our dear & wicked Sardarji is thinking, "I hope we run into another tunnel so I can make another kissing sound and slap the damn Pakistani!"

The Back Bencher

Some Computer Based General knowledge

Hi I would like to share some of kool tech facts:-

(1). An Amd 1400 chip running without a heatsink gets as hot as 370 degrees.

(2). Seagate introduced the first hdd for pcs in 1979.It held 5 M.B of data.

(3). If u opened up the case of the original Macintosh, u will find 47 signatures
one for each member of Apple's Macintosh divison as of 1982.

(4). The first computer company to register for a domain name was digital
equipment corporation.

(5). Did u know Apple & Sun came very close to a merger in 1996.

(6). The technology contained in a single game boy unit in 2000 exceeds all
the computing power that was used to put the first man on moon in 1969.

(7). Hewlett Packard was started at a garage in Palo Alto in 1939.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Female..Feamle..& Female................

Letter to bill gates by banta singh

Dear Mr Bill Gates,

This letter is from Banta Singh. We have
bought a computer for
our home and we found problems, which I want to bring
to your notice.

After connecting to internet we planned to open e-mail

account and whenever
we fill the form in Hotmail in the password column,
only ****** appears,
in the rest of the fields whatever we typed appears,
but we face this
problem only in password field. We checked with
hardware vendor Santa Singh
and he said that there is no problem in keyboard.
Because of this we open
the e-mail account with password *****. I request you
to check this as we
ourselves do not know what the password is.

We are unable to enter anything after we click the
shut down button.

There is a button 'start' but there is no stop button.

We request you to
check this.

We find there is 'Run' in the menu. One of my friend
clicked 'run' has ran
upto Amritsar! So, we request you to change that to
sit so that we can
that by sitting.

One doubt is that any 're-scooter' available in
system? As I find only
're-cycle', but I own a scooter at my home.

Also there is 'Find' button but it is not working
properly. My wife lost
door key and we tried a lot for tracing the key with
this 'find', but
to trace. Is it a bug??

Banta Singh

Genuine Ways To Earn Money Online From Your Blog.

Hi, today I want to write about sites which provides paid review opportunities on your blog. I am earning from these services, these services are based on Paid To Blog. Most of the services pays through PayPal. There are minimum requirements for each service to get approve your blog Most common are
• Your blog must contain maximum posts of unique content.
• Your blog must not be completely automated or appear to be created solely for search engine traffic.
• Your blog must be updated once in a week.
• Your blog must be older than 90 days and have at least 30 posts to apply.
• Your blog must have a professional appearance.
It is good if your Blog has Google PageRank and a good Alexa rank. You can make most of it.

SponsoredReviews: Sponsored Reviews is a marketplace which lets you see paid reviews on your blog. Once you get approved from this site then you can start earning money easily. There are wide range of advertisers present and they provide a range of money that they wish to pay for your review. And you have to provide your maximum bid for your blog. Generally your blog is rated considering 3 features. They are yahoo backlinks, technorati and alexa.
You will get 65% of the bid amount. That is if you take the task for $10 then earn $6.50 and the remaining goes for the site. So in total this is a great site to earn money online by blogging and you can even earn more than $300 per review.

The controversial ad network which got into trouble with Google, PayPerPost remains a popular way for bloggers to make money through their blog. If you are a good blogger who likes to update your blog then this is a great opportunity for you. You need to have a blog which is three months old and should be updated regularly. Really this site will give you the best opportunity that you find on the Internet. So if you really want to earn good money with your blog then don't think of joining this later.
Smorty is another get paid for blogging site similar like payperpost. But there are some advantags in smorty which makes it unique. You will be paid weekly, which is very quick when compared to other paid to blog sites. Opportunities are directly sent to admin panel and as well as emails. Hence you dont need to check back frequently about the opportunities. So your 15 minutes time earns you money along with some good content to your blog. Your blog need not require higher PR for getting approved. Only a good blog, indexed in google with some good content and updated regularly is fine.
LinkWorth have a wide range of ways for you to make money through your blog including text and banner ad sales, in text advertising and paid reviews.
Join BidVertiser now and they will turn your advertising space into cash! Simply display the BidVertiser text ads on your website and let advertisers bid against each other!

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SocialSpark offers bloggers a variety of ways to make money through their blog. You can review products, websites and services and you can display sponsors ads on a per day basis.

Show Hidden Files and Folders not working?

Show Hidden Files and Folders not working?..... If we selecte the radio button “Show hidden files and folders” and then press Ok.. the changes would just disappear upon opening the dialog again. It was probably some virus attack after which the Windows registry was not being updated properly. So here is what methods to restore it back. There are so many methods to restore back the registry. If one method is not working, please try another one.
Method 1:
Go to registry editor by running regedit in the run box.
Go to this key:

In the right hand area, double click hidden and change the value to 1.
Now you’re all set to go. Check it in your tools menu if the changes have taken effect.
Method 2:
1. Click “Start” -> “Run…” (or press Windows key + R)
2. Type “regedit” and click “Ok”.
3. Find the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\
4. Look at the “CheckedValue” key… This should be a DWORD key. If it isn’t, delete the key.
5. Create a new key called “CheckedValue” as a DWORD (hexadecimal) with a value of 1.
6. The “Show hidden files & folders” check box should now work normally. Enjoy!

Speedup Your Folder Browsing.

You may have noticed that everytime you open my computer to browse folders that there is a slight delay. This is because Windows XP automatically searches for network files and printers everytime you open Windows Explorer. To fix this and to increase browsing significantly:

1. Open My Computer
2. Click on Tools menu
3. Click on Folder Options
4. Click on the View tab.
5. Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers check box
6. Click Apply
7. Click Ok
8. Reboot your computer


YouTube has all sorts of interesting, funny, silly, and provocative content. One of the most appealing things about YouTube is how easy it is to share this content with others. You can easily embed any video on YouTube into your own blog. Here's how you do it.
First, go to YouTube and find a video that you like. It doesn't have to be a video that you created.
Next, look for the box directly to the right of the video. Not only does this box let you subscribe to videos, it also gives you the code for embedding video. Go to the line marked Embed at the bottom of this box. Click inside the code box next to the word Embed. All of the code text should automatically be highlighted. If not, you'll need to select it. Copy this code. You can copy by right-clicking on your mouse and selecting copy from the drop-down menu.
Next, you need to paste this code into your blog. For this tutorial, I will use Blogger, which is a free blogging service from Google.
Log into your Blogger account and compose a new message for your blog. Select the edit HTML tab, and paste the code you copied from YouTube. It is important to make sure you have the HTML tab selected first. You can paste the code by right-clicking and selecting paste from the drop-down menu
That's it. Press the post button and then preview your blog, to make sure everything works. When readers look at your blog, they'll see the embedded video, and they can click on the play button in the center to view the video.
It is possible to modify the HTML code so that the video automatically plays as soon as it is loaded, instead of making the reader click. However, I don't recommend this. It is rude to readers who don't expect video, and it can really drag on users who have slow connections.

What is meant by mounting a drive?

Before your computer can use any kind of storage device (such as a hard drive, CD-ROM, or network share), you or your operating system must make it accessible through the computer's file system. This process is called mounting. You can access only files on mounted media.
Formats and mounting
Your computer stores data in specific, structured file formats. The format used depends on how your operating system is configured, but they all fulfill the same purpose. A file format is a specially coded template written on a piece of media (such as a disk or CD-ROM). Your computer reads the format to determine many things about the media: where data begins and ends, where data can be written, and how to read data that has already been written. If your computer does not recognize the file format on a piece of media, your computer will return errors. If you force your computer to work with media in a corrupted or unrecognized format, your computer will write data incorrectly, possibly rendering unrecoverable all the files stored on the media.
Mounting ensures that your computer recognizes the media's format, and instructs your computer to incorporate the media's filesystem into your local filesystem. If your computer cannot recognize the media format, the device cannot be mounted. When media is successfully mounted, your computer creates a mount point, a locally available link through which you access an external device. In Windows or Mac OS X, the mount point is represented by a picture of a CD-ROM or floppy disk, or other icon. In Unix or Linux, the mount point is a directory. Most operating systems handle mounting and unmounting for you.

Best Anti Microsoft, Pro Linux Quotes

1. UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity — Dennis Ritchie
2. MICROSOFT = Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only Fools Teenagers
3. Windows had detected you do not have a keyboard. Press ‘F9″ to continue.
4. The box said ‘Requires Windows 95 or better’. So I installed LINUX
5. Software is like sex: It’s better when it’s free.
6. Unix, DOS and Windows…the good, the bad and the ugly.
7. Windows XP -now comes with free anger management courses.
8. I don’t care if the software I run is unstable crap, as long as it is the LATEST unstable crap.
9. Why do with one shortcut key what you can do with 5 mouse clicks? Welcome to Windows!
10. The box said ‘Requires Windows 95 or better’. So I installed LINUX.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Latest Dhanteras SMS

kan kan dipak
trin trin bati
hans chit1 ka
sneh pilati
pal pal ki
jilmil lao me
sapno ke ankur
aaj uga le
godhuli bela me
aaj dip jala le

may the light that we celebrate at diwali show us the way and lead us together on the path of peace and social harmony
"Happy Diwali"

Dinodin badhta jaye apka karobar bana rahe sneh aur pyar hoti rahe sada dhanki bochar, aisa ho apka DHANTERAS ka tyohar.

May goddess Laxmi bless your business
to do well in spite of all odds like
the enduring charms of gold and diamonds
Happy Dhanteras

On Dhanteras Festival,
May Divine blessings of Goddess Lakshmi
Bestow on you bountiful fortune
Happy Dhanteras Wishes

May Dhanteras Festival
Wishing you with Wealth & Prosperity
As you journey towards greater success
Happy Dhanteras

On Dhanteras Occasion
Wishing you Wealth, Good Health,
Happiness and Prosperity
Dhanteras Wishes

Diwali Greetings 2

Diwali Greetings 1

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My New Blog For Chhattisgarh Shikshakarmi Exam Candidates

Click HERE to open my new blog for Chhattisgarh Shikshakarmi Exam Candidates

Free manual GPRS settings

Most of people have face problems regarding gprs settings on their mobile phones. I have been getting lots of public reviews about how to configure and where to get gprs setting, So I publish here most of gprs settings for most of mobile service operator (India) to enter in your phone mannulay. Here you have manual gprs settings for vodafone, hutch, idea, airtel, bsnl, airtel live, airtel mobile you can enter in your phone and configure mannually.
Manual Reliance Smart GPRS Settings:
Settings for SMARTWAP:
* Account name : SMARTWAP
* Access point name: SMARTWAP
* Home page:
* Wapgateway proxy IP address:
* Port: 8080
Settings for SMATRNET:
* Account name: SMARTNET
* Access point name: SMARTNET
* Home page:
* Wapgateway proxy IP address:
* Port: 8080
Settings for MMS:
* Account name: RTLMMS
* Access point name:MMS
* Homepage:
* Wapgateway IP:
* Port: 9401
Manual Idea gprs Settings:
Account Name – idea_GPRS
Username – leave Blank
Password – leave Blank
Homepage –
Proxy and Server Port – 8080
Proxy and Server adress –
Databearer – GPRS / Packetdata
Acces Point Name – imis
Proxy – Enabled/yes
Authentication Type – Normal
Manual Hutch or Vodafone Essar gprs Settings:
Account Name – Vodafone Live
User Name – leave Blank
Password – leave Blank
Proxy – Enabled/yes
Access Point Name – portalnmms
Proxy – Enabled/yes.
Proxy and Server address –
Proxy and Server Port – 9401 or 8080
Homepage –
Authentication Type – Normal
Manual Airtel gprs Settings:
Account Name – Airtel_gprs
User Name – leave Blank
Password – leave Blank
Homepage –
Proxy – Enabled/yes.
Proxy and Server Adress –
Proxy and Server Port – 8080
Data bearer – GPRS or Packet Data.
Access Point Name –
Authentication Type – Normal
Use preferred access point – No
Manual Airtel live settings
Account Name – Airtel_live
Homepage –
Username – leave Blank
Password – leave Blank
Proxy – Enabled/yes
Proxy and Server Adress –
Accespoint Name –
Proxy and Server Port – 8080
Data bearer – GPRS/ Packet Data
Authentication Type – Normal
Manual BPL gprs Settings:
Account Name – BPL WAP
Username – leave blank
Password – leave blank
Proxy – Enabled/yes
Homepage –
Proxy and Server address –
Proxy and Server Port – 8080
Acces Point Name – mizone
Data bearer – GPRS/ Packetdata
Authentication Type – Normal
Manual BSNL north gprs Settings:
Account Name – bsnlwap
Username – leave blank
Password – leave blank
Proxy – Enabled/yes
Homepage –
Proxy and Server address –
Proxy and Server Port – 8080
Acces Point Name –
Data bearer – GPRS/ Packetdata
Authentication Type – Normal
Manual Idea Gprs Settings
Account Name – idea_GPRS
Username – Blank
Password – Blank
Homepage –
Proxy and Server Port – 8080
Proxy and Server adress –
Databearer – GPRS / Packetdata
Acces Point Name – imis
Proxy – Enabled/yes
Authentication Type – Normal
Manual Bsnl Gprs Settings
Account Name – BPL WAP
Username -
Password -
Proxy – Enabled/yes
Homepage –
Proxy and Server address –
Proxy and Server Port – 8080
Acces Point Name – mizone
Data bearer – GPRS/ Packetdata
Authentication Type – Normal
Manual Hutch Gprs Settings
Account Name – Hutch_GPRS
User Name – Blank
Password – Blank
Proxy – Enabled/yes
Access Point Name – portalnmms
Full Internet Access Point Name – www
Proxy and Server address –
Proxy and Server Port – 8080
Homepage –
Authentication Type – Normal
Manual Airtel live settings
Account Name – Airtel_live
Homepage –
Username – Blank
Password – Blank
Proxy – Enabled/yes
Proxy and Server Adress –
Accespoint Name –
Proxy and Server Port – 8080
Data bearer – GPRS/ Packet Data
Authentication Type – Normal
Manual Airtel Gprs Settings
Homepage – any page you want to set. (eg.
User Name – Blank
Password – Blank
Proxy – Enabled/yes.
Proxy and Server Adress –
Proxy and Server Port – 8080
Data bearer – GPRS or Packet Data.
Access Point Name –
Authentication Type – Normal
Use preferred access point – No
Manual Hutch Gprs Settings
1. Account Name – Hutch_GPRS
2. User Name – Blank
3. Password – Blank
4. Proxy – Enabled/yes
5. Access Point Name – portalnmms
6. Full Internet Access Point Name – www
7. Proxy and Server address –
8. Proxy and Server Port – 8080
9. Homepage –
10. Authentication Type – Normal
Manual Airtel Gprs Settings
1. Homepage – any page you want to set.
2. User Name – Blank
3. Password – Blank
4. Proxy – Enabled/yes.
5. Proxy and Server Adress –
6. Proxy and Server Port – 8080
7. Data bearer – GPRS or Packet Data.
8. Access Point Name –
9. Authentication Type – Normal
10. Use preferred access point – No
Manual Airtel live settings
1. Account Name – Airtel_live
2. Homepage –
3. Username – Blank
4. Password – Blank
5. Proxy – Enabled/yes
6. Proxy and Server Adress –
7. Accespoint Name –
8. Proxy and Server Port – 8080
9. Data bearer – GPRS/ Packet Data
10. Authentication Type – Normal
Manual Idea Gprs Settings
1. Account Name – idea_GPRS
2. Username – Blank
3. Password – Blank
4. Homepage –
5. Proxy and Server Port – 8080
6. Proxy and Server adress –
7. Databearer – GPRS / Packetdata
8. Acces Point Name – imis
9. Proxy – Enabled/yes
10. Authentication Type – Normal
Manual Bsnl Gprs Settings
1. Account Name – BPL WAP
2. Username -
3. Password -
4. Proxy – Enabled/yes
5. Homepage –
6. Proxy and Server address –
7. Proxy and Server Port – 8080
8. Acces Point Name – mizone
9. Data bearer – GPRS/ Packetdata
10. Authentication Type – Normal